Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Step One: Epiphany

"Epiphany: a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into  
the reality or essential meaning of something, usually  
initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience."
The first step of the plan is simple: acceptance. Believe me, when you have your "epiphany moment", you will know. Take the example of Ritto- she woke up in the middle of the night feeling slightly worse for wear. In fact, she was feeling quite a lot worse for wear, couldn't make it to the loo and so threw up in her fur throw. Don't worry, the "sick blanket" has now been relegated to a permanent position on the terrace floor. The antithesis of togetherness.
The tipping point could also come as it did for Harmonie following a first date- she'd met him online so should have known it wouldn't end well. Probably a step too far when she woke up with a half-eaten Domino's and an Australian in her bed though. No self control and moderation here.
Sobrietas's moment of realisation came in a slightly more painful fashion. She'd gone out in her sensible heels but that didn't stop her taking a somewhat impressive tumble down the stairs in a busy club and sustaining a fairly significant arm injury. Fear not though, her shoe loss resulted in a "Cinderella moment" when her Prince Charming scooped her up and made sure she "got home safely". More of an issue when she woke up with him the next day and his innocent question of if her arm was swollen was misconstrued as him calling her fat. Poor boy. So not sophrosyne.
So, we've established we need to change. Well done. Step One of the journey to becoming sophrosyne is complete. Maybe treat yourself to a glass of wine as a figurative pat on the back before the hard work starts with Step Two: One Step At A Time (coming soon).
Love, life and laughter,

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