Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Becoming Sophrosyne- The Togetherness Plan

"Sophrosyne was a Greek goddess. She was the spirit of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, and discretion."

As a recent graduate living in London, life can get a little crazy at times. There's working hard, long hours and unprecedented levels of stress. Throw in the constant temptation of "a quick drink" and the need to let one's hair down and you have the recipe for, let's face it, not the most "together" of lives.

Becoming sophrosyne started as a joke between me and a colleague- Sobrietas, who you'll be hearing a LOT about- but soon developed into "The Togetherness Plan". Our mission? Negotiate the trials and tribulations of the corporate graduate world to reach our ultimate goal of becoming well-balanced and respectable human beings.

Did I mention that we're single? This adds a whole new level of complications, shame and general bad decisions to our already unravelling lives. So, join us on our journey, share your words of wisdom and laugh with us at our frankly ridiculous misfortune!

Step 1 of the plan coming soon!

Love, life and laughter,


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